
2023-2024 In-Year School Admission - Reception to Year 6

Whiteknights joined BPET on 1 January 2022, this meant no formal consultation time was available to action the determined Admissions Policy for 2023-2024 to bring the policy into line with BPET – now the Admissions Authority. Therefore, the over-subscription criteria used by Wokingham Borough Council has been honoured for applications for Admission in September 2023. Please read all documents when applying for a school place at Whiteknights.


WBC co-ordinated admissions schemes and WBC admission policy 2023-2024

WBC proposed local in-year co-ordinated scheme 2023-2024

School Admissions - Reception to Year 6

Whiteknights Primary School is a two-form entry school, which means that our allocation for each year group is limited to 60 pupils. Applications for places at our school are administered by the Wokingham Borough Council, and therefore parents and carers must apply through their website. Every year, the closing date for reception class applications falls on 15 January, and notification letters are sent out the following April communicating the result of the process.

PAN and Oversubscription Criteria
As mentioned above, the published admission number is 60 places in each year of entry into Reception from September 2022. The school admits up to this number each year and, when full, the school will have 420 pupils on roll. 

Where there are fewer applicants than places available, all applicants will be admitted. In the event of there being greater demand than there are place available to the school and after the admission of children with an Education Health and Care Plan that names the school, places will be offered using the following oversubscription criteria, in keeping with the School Admissions Code 2021.

See our full admission policies below, for more details on tie breaker, waiting lists, appeals, and in-year admissions:

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025-2026



Notice of Consultation End and Publication of Report

Whiteknights Primary School is a very popular two-form entry school with a nursery, serving the community to the east of Reading. The school converted to join Bellevue Place Education Trust (BPET) on 1 January 2022. BPET is the Admissions Authority for Whiteknights Primary School.

In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements if changes are being proposed to the admission arrangements or if they have not been consulted on within the last 7 years.

The consultation period took place and ended on the 31 January 2023. BPET (as the Admissions Authority) has taken any responses into account before determining the final policy arrangements and has prepared the report published below. 


Admissions Consultation Report February 2023

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Nursery Admission

Our Nursery admissions are handled internally, if you are interested in your child attending our Nursery please click on the link below.

Nursery Admissions Criteria 2024-2025