Special Educational Needs Provision

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We closely monitor the progress and development of all pupils. Our processes are fundamentally inclusive and support is available for all pupils whenever needed.

All pupils with additional learning needs are identified as soon as possible. We follow a graduated approach to support our pupils. Planning appropriate support, putting into place that support, and then reviewing progress.  If ongoing learning needs are identified class teachers work with the Inclusion Leader to agree a support plan which identifies effective strategies and interventions that will be put in place to support pupil progress. These are shared with parents and the pupils deepening support and agreeing the desired impact of support.

Pupils make the best possible progress when there is a strong supportive relationship between school and home. It is therefore important that if a parent has concerns about their child's progress they speak to the school - firstly through your child's class teacher and then, if necessary, to the Inclusion Leaders, Mrs Lewis and Mrs Connor.